C++ try/catch
In C++ programming, exception handling is performed using try/catch statement. The C++ try block is used to place the code that may occur exception. The catch block is used to handle the exception.
C++ example without try/catch
#include <iostream> using namespace std; double division(int a, int b) { if( b == 0 ) { throw "Division by zero condition!"; } return (a/b); } int main () { int x = 50; int y = 0; double z = 0; try { z = division(x, y); cout << z << endl; } catch (const char* msg) { cerr << msg << endl; } return 0; }
Because we are raising an exception of type const char*, so while catching this exception, we have to use const char* in catch block. If we compile and run above code, this would produce the following result −
Division by zero condition!
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